Our Complaints Process
Our complaint process has been developed in line with Australian and New Zealand standard guidelines for complaint management in organisations, and recommendations from publications by the National Energy Infrastructure Commissioner (who has responsibility for large-scale wind farms, solar farms and battery storage).
The process involves these key steps:
Step 1: Receive & Register
If you have an inquiry, concern or complaint about Hornsdale Power Reserve you can make it in person, over the phone, by email or via our contact form or, alternatively, you can send us a letter.
For inquiries or concerns, we will address these directly.
When we receive the complaint, we record all of these (if they apply):
- Your name and address
- A unique reference number for the complaint, which we will give you
- Your concerns, including the date, time, conditions and a description of your complaint.
We enter these into our project customer relationship management (CRM) database.
You can lodge an anonymous compliant. We will still record it, as it provides valuable feedback to help us improve.
Send a letter:
Level 6/16
Marcus Clarke Street
Canberra, ACT 2601
Step 2: Acknowledge
If your complaint is non-urgent, our project manager will call or email you within 3 business days to acknowledge that we’ve received your complaint.
If it is urgent, we will respond within 24 hours. If we write to you, we keep a copy and date of the correspondence on file.
When we acknowledge your complaint, we will:
- provide a summary of your complaint with a reference number
- clarify any issues or ask for more information
- say how we may investigate it
- say how long it may take us to respond.
This also gives us an opportunity to clarify any issues, or ask for more information.
If we can easily resolve the complaint, we may respond immediately.
Step 3: Investigate
We investigate every complaint, and make all reasonable attempts to resolve it. The project manager may do this, or ask one of our staff to do it.
We keep accurate records of the investigation including meetings, discussions and activities.
When we investigate, we may:
- visit the site, especially if your complaint relates to property damage
- consult with our staff and contractors, including senior management
- get relevant data and evidence (such as for a dust or noise complaint)
- contact other community members and stakeholders
Step 4: Respond
Step 5: Close
If the process has been completed appropriately, then we will close the complaint. If you are not satisfied with the investigation and resolution, you have the right to request a review.
This will be undertaken by a Neoen Senior Manager to ensure the process has been properly followed.
If you remain unsatisfied with Neoen’s investigation and proposed resolution, you have the ability to contact other bodies, such as:
- National Energy Infrastructure Commissioner (who has responsibility for large-scale wind farms, solar farms and battery storage)
- Northern Areas Council
Step 6: Record and Register
When we close a complaint, we log the following:
- The process we undertook to investigate and resolve the complaint
- The proposed resolution
- Whether this was accepted and how it was implemented
- Whether or not your complaint was resolved to your satisfaction
- The reason why the complaint was closed.